
Read more than 6000 articles in 35 languages from over 90 cultural journals and associates.

Cover for: Inequality upon a pedestal

Even to engage in debate over the existence of monuments in their current form is to acknowledge a connection between the colonial past and present-day inequality. For many, defence of heritage serves as a pretext for preservation of the memorial status quo.

Cover for: The chains of the past

The chains of the past

Black mental health in Britain

Trauma may be inheritable, even genetically, recent scholarship suggests. Could the devastating impact of slavery and oppression explain why Black people are overrepresented in the psychiatric system?

Cover for: Everybody needs a home

Everybody needs a home

How Finland deals with homelessness

Instead of temporary solutions like shelters and hostels, Finland concentrates on providing permanent social housing to those in need. Although it requires significant investment, it’s always more cost-effective to end homelessness rather than trying to manage it. Also, it’s the right thing to do.

Cover for: Between tolerance and prohibition

Between tolerance and prohibition

Roma scrap metal collectors toiling outside Paris

Scrap metal collectors, working on the periphery of society, sustain the ground level operation of a lucrative global market. Facing exploitation and illegitimacy, their conditions have worsened since COVID-19.

Abandoned cinema

Cancelling 21st century fossils

Roman Polanski's slow fall from grace

It took the film industry over four decades to oust Roman Polanski after he drugged and raped a child. The case, as well as other allegations, has long been known to the public, but a cultural shift was necessary for the director to face professional consequences.

Cover for: Putin’s reset

Russia’s popular vote approving the ‘zeroing’ of Putin’s terms has been hailed by the regime as a triumphant demonstration of trust. Putin’s uncontested status as supreme authority has indeed been reinforced. But will the legitimacy bought by the vote be enough to stem growing uncertainty among elites and declining support among urban constituencies?

Cover for: The house of Israel

The house of Israel

A divided society

Conflict over Israeli territory is a historically sensitive issue. But should past injustices and fear legitimize recent crimes against humanity? Avraham Burg’s home truths on current Israeli societal division assess critical ideological, economic and constitutional issues.

Cover for: Safer social scenes

Safer social scenes

Global lockdowns expose dangers of LGBTQ dating apps

Contact-tracing, legitimized by COVID-19 security risks, is already a dating app reality. The privacy of LGBTQ communities is particularly open to abuse. Jemimah Steinfeld calls for better protection of sexual identities, citing a new Index on Censorship global report.

Cover for: The weight of life

The weight of life

On the economy of human lives

In a rush to minimize the recession following COVID-19, some hold their economies dearer than the saving of lives. But prosperity isn’t the indefinite depletion of bodies and resources. It is through the satisfaction of basic needs that we will restore the dignity of all.

Cover for: Out of love for the South

We speak about the differences between North and South as though they explain everything. In the process, age-old prejudices again penetrate the European consciousness and shape how we think about the world.

Cover for: Housing as investment

Housing as investment

The critique of financialized rental investment in Vienna

Speculation is based on the belief that housing prices will keep increasing and there will always be a bigger fool willing to pay a higher price. Anita Aigner looks into the culture of responsibilization and the policies that turned real estate ownership into pure, abstract investment.

Cover for: Demokrati i den stora farsotens tid

De senaste månaderna har vi läst många sensationslystna artiklar om folk som slåss om toapappersrullar, men de stora problemen är att den demokratiska insynen minskar och att det allmänna motståndet mot undantagstillstånden är så svagt. Den makt som medborgarna överlämnar till sina regeringar ger de själva upp, och när så en gång skett kan det bli svårt att återerövra den.



Politinė COVID-19 ekologija

Koronaviruso pandemija nėra „natūralus“ reiškinys, ją sukūrė globalus kapitalizmas. Jos sutramdymo priemonės, socialinio atsiribojimo būdas primena visuotinį streiką. Tai gali tapti priverstiniu eksperimentu, kuris galbūt leis, kadvėl perimtume mūsų pačių laiko kontrolę.

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