Reset is an Italian magazine founded in 1993 by Giancarlo Bosetti along with several prominent European intellectuals, among them Norberto Bobbio and Vittorio Foa, whose social-liberal legacy inspired its work from the beginning. Born as a monthly publication, Reset became bimonthly and after 19 years, in 2012, shifted to its current digital format at Reset.it. Through in-depth articles and analysis, Reset explores major cultural and political issues – both national and international – focusing on democratic systems and their internal dynamics, globalization, intercultural and inter-religious dialogue, and human rights.
Reset-Dialogues on Civilizations is an online journal – www.resetdoc.org – specializing in intercultural dialogue, international relations, cultural and religious pluralism, the advance of human rights, and the evolution of democracy in different civilizational environments. It publishes regular comments on foreign affairs, scientific analysis and dossiers, essays, academic papers, monographs, book reviews and videos, updated on a daily basis.
Over the years, it has established an international network encompassing some of the most important scholars, intellectuals and major universities and research institutes in the fields of social, philosophical, economic and political studies. Among Reset DOC contributors are Giuliano Amato, Manuel Castells, Anthony Giddens, Jürgen Habermas, Charles Taylor, Gianni Vattimo, Michael Walzer, and others.
The journal’s website is also the main showcase for the Reset DOC Association’s activities that seek to promote knowledge and understanding among different cultures through research, international seminars and publications in the social sciences and humanities. Some of resetdoc.org’s contents are translated into Italian and published on the website Reset.it.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/resetdoc
Twitter: https://twitter.com/resetdoc
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/resetdoc