Anna Wójcik
is Assistant Editor at Visegrad Insight and Res Publica Nowa.
Atoms don't smile
A conversation with Lev Manovich
Not only is it time to modernize the humanities but also to humanize technology, says Lev Manovich, new media theorist and professor at The Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY). Manovich explains how to use big data to question the way we think about and study culture.

Work-life balance, or success?
A conversation with the economist Alison Wolf
The extent to which working women are now creating a new society is unprecedented in human history, says Alison Wolf. And yet, the uncomfortable truth remains that everyone tends to take care only of his or her own social group.

Culture challengers
Innovation in central and eastern Europe
The region is bustling with brilliant young minds in the world of arts and ideas. Anna Wójcik reports on a new project that profiles the most innovative among them: the culture challengers who, in the way that the intelligentsia once did, pick up and run with the key transformational ideas of our times.