Vincent Tiberj
Full professor, a researcher at the Emile Durkheim Centre, and dean of research at Sciences Po Bordeaux. A specialist in political psychology and electoral and political behaviours in France, Europe, and the United States, his work focuses on the reasoning of ‘ordinary’ citizens and the political sociology of social and ethnic inequalities, as well as xenophobic prejudices and value systems. Recent publications in French include: Les citoyens qui viennent (Paris: PUF, 2017); as editor with Olivier Filleule, Florence Haegel, and Camille Hamidi, Sociologie plurielle des comportements politiques (Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, 2017); and Des votes et des voix. La France des urnes de Mitterrand à Hollande (Paris: Champ social éditions, 2013). Recent English publications: with Alistair Cole, Sophie Meunier (ed.), Developments in French Politics 5 (Basingstoke / New York, Palgrave MacMillan, 2013); with Sylvain Brouard, As French as everyone else? A Survey of French Citizens of Maghrebin, African and Turkish French (Philadephia, Temple University Press, 2011).