Dave Sinardet

is a Belgian political scientist. He is professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and at the University of Antwerp, post-doctoral research fellow of the FWO (National Fund for Scientific Research) and part-time professor at the Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis in Brussels. He regularly publishes columns in the Dutch-speaking newspaper De Standaard and the French-speaking newspaper Le Soir. One of the spokespersons of the initiative G1000.


If the politicians can’t find a solution, let the citizens. That’s the call of a group of Belgian intellectuals and activists. They have a detailed proposal: the G1000, a meeting in Brussels on 11 November 2011. One thousand randomly selected Belgian citizens will be given an opportunity to discuss, in all freedom, the future of their country. “Because democracy is so much more than citizens who vote and politicians who negotiate.”