Ales Steger

is a poet and critic. He has published four volumes of poetry: Sahovnice ur [Chess boards of hours] (1995); Kasmir [Kashmir] (1997); Protuberance [Protuberances] (2002); Knjiga reci [Book of Things] (2005); a prose book Peru Vcasih je januar sredi poletja [January In the Middle of Summer] [1999]; and Berlin in 2007. His books have been translated into several languages. He lives in Ljubljana, Slovenia.


Literary perspectives: Slovenia

A hollowed-out generation

Slovenian novelists are finding highly original ways to record the experience of transitional society, writes poet and critic Ales Steger. While male novelists take a hyper-realist, socially critical approach, their equally successful female counterparts are creating fictions only loosely connected to contemporary time and space. And while poetry and drama are lagging behind, there are still some notable exceptions. But first, an excursus into the Slovenian booktrade’s current fad: the self-help manual…

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