Ilija Trojanow

(1965) is author of An den inneren Ufern Idiens [On India’s inner shores] (Hanser 2003); Zu den heiligen Quellen des Islam [To the sacred source of Islam] (Piper 2004); Der Weltensammler [The collector of worlds] (Hanser 2006); Gebrauchsanweisung für Indien [India: A user’s manual] (Piper 2006); Die fingierte Revolution. Bulgarien, eine exemplarische Geschichte [The feigned revolution] (dtv 2006).


Cover for: Security versus freedom: A misleading trade-off

In the wake of the technological revolution that is the Internet, writes Ilija Trojanow, principles of self-organization and collaboration might be expected to replace established hierarchies and concentrations of power. Instead, the technologies of surveillance now available to states have never been more intrusive.

Cover for: The net is tightening

One of the most important and ominous aspects of the NSA scandal is the secretive essence of the system, writes Ilija Trojanow: transparency is clearly the biggest enemy of the alleged guardians of freedom. This much Trojanow now knows from personal experience.

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