Nil Mutluer

completed her PhD with the dissertation “Tactics in Between: Gendered Citizenship and Everyday Life of Internally Displaced Men in Tarlabasi, Istanbul” at the Department of Gender Studies at Central European University in Budapest. She now teaches in the Sociology Department at Fatih University. Mutluer is the co-producer of the weekly sociological and political analysis television programme ÖteBeri broadcasted on IMC. In addition to her various articles in edited books, journals and newspapers, she is the editor of the books “States of gender: The Intersectional borders of gender in Turkey” (Cinsiyet Halleri: Türkiye’de Cinsiyetin Kesisim Sinirlari, Varlik, 2008) and “States of national: Citizenship and nationalism, are we aware? (Milli Hallerimiz: Yurttaslik ve Milliyetçilik, Farkinda miyiz?, Helsinki Yurttaslar Dernegi Yayinlari, 2008).


Leave identity-based politics behind and identity-based life aside and, instead, evolve towards pluralistic policies focused on the issues: this is the lesson that Nil Mutluer draws from an in-depth analysis of the role of laicité in Turkish society up to and around the Gezi Park protests.

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