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Irina Nedeva

Festival of Ideas on Europe
326 326 Time To Talk
The Red House co-hosts the first-ever Sofia Festival of Ideas, looking at Europe and our conceptualisations of it in the run-up to the European Parliament elections in May. What has changed in the way we look at Europe and can we come up with new ideas to help restore confidence amidst ongoing turbulence?
Watch the video highlights!
Revolutions and their children – revolutionary legacies: 1917 and 1989
150 150 Time To Talk
A hundred years on from 1917 and just 28 after 1989, what are the legacies of these epochal revolutions today? The Red House hosts a debate which looks at how the start and the end of Eastern Europe's short 21st century frame its present day.
Watch the video highlights!
The limits of European solidarity: has Europe forgotten Ukraine and Greece?
150 150 Time To Talk
In the wake of the Paris attacks and the migrant crisis, The Red House asks where the limits of European solidarity lie. Do we lack solidarity or are we overwhelmed by conflicting solidarities? And, now that we've moved on to the next crises, are we really still interested in the fates of Ukraine and Greece?
Watch the video highlights!
The exodus to Europe: has migration highlighted a European crisis of social solidarity?
150 150 Time To Talk
Following the summer's Greek crisis, the influx of refugees and migrants has highlighted disagreements in the EU and raised questions about our desire and our ability to come to common agreement. A debate on Grexit, Brexit, humanism, pragmatism, the East/West divide and how to move forwards.
Watch the video highlights!
Freedom of speech within the Bulgarian press
150 150 Time To Talk
In this Red House debate a selection of concerned parties look at the results of the recent AEJ survey on Bulgarian press freedoms, seeking both the causes of the present situation and looking at how things could be improved in the future.
Read the report!
The Bulgarian nomads: what happens to Bulgarian workers in Europe?
150 150 Time To Talk
More and more Bulgarians live abroad and even more would jump at the chance were it to be offered to them. What is the reality of their time abroad and what is it that they wish to achieve: do the majority go intending to come home or do they expect it to be a one way trip?
[video highlights]