Sulaiman S.M.Y. Addonia

150 150 Time To Talk

Sulaiman S.M.Y. Addonia is an author, residing in London. He was born as the son of an Eritrean mother and an Ethiopian father in Eritrea. Following the Om Hajar massacre in 1976, he spent his early life in a refugee camp in Sudan, then, in his early teens, he lived and studied in Saudi Arabia. Eventually, he sought asylum with his brother in London in 1990, where he continued his studies at University College. His book The Consequences of Love (2009) follows Naser, an immigrant in an unfriendly land. His friends have fled town for cooler climes and left him to his dead-end job and the scrutiny of the religious police, who keep watch through the shaded windows of their government jeeps. He spends his time writing to his mother in Africa and yearning to meet a woman, yet, in a country that separates men and women with walls and veils, he feels increasingly trapped.

Information valid as of summer 2016.